New Teaching School Hubs!
HISP Multi Academy Trust has two schools that have been designated as national teaching School Hubs.
Congratulations to Thornden School and Portswood Primary School.
In February 2021 81 Teaching School Hubs were designated by the DfE, to be added to the 6 Test and Learn Hubs, all of which will be central to the training and development of teachers throughout their career by providing evidence-based programmes of support and qualification.
TSHs will help teachers to progress through whichever career pathway they choose. As the HISP TSH we will support the development of teachers working in all phases/types of schools by developing networks of schools that can support the delivery of each of the core activities to the full range of the teaching workforce.
The HISP TSH covers Havant, Gosport and Fareham, Portsmouth, Eastleigh, IOW, Southampton, Winchester, Test Valley and the New Forest.